National Scholarship Programs
2017 French Embassy-Benjamin Franklin Generation Study Abroad Scholarship
- Eligibility: U.S. Citizen, Undergraduate (Sophomore, Junior, Senior), 18 years or older, participating in a Program in France and at a French institution, and address one or more barriers of studying abroad (cost, curriculum, culture)
- $2,500 per student.
The Bridging Scholarship
- Eligibility: U.S. Undergraduate students to study for one semester or academic year in Japan.
- Up to $6,000
Critical Language Scholarship
- Eligibility: US Citizens. Undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. Students Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) institutes provide fully-funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks during the summer.
Fulbright Program
- Eligibility: All who submit application and proposal
- The Fulbright Program- administered by The Institute of International Education- offers fellowships to U.S. students for study, research, and/or teaching assistantships abroad.
Fund for Education Abroad
- Eligibility: U.S. Undergraduate Students
- Fund for Education Abroad awards are intended to support students planning to participate in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs.
Gilman International Scholarships
- Past Gilman Scholarship winners
- Eligibility: Undergraduate Federal Pell Grant recipients
- Over 1,200 scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded this academic year to students seeking to study abroad.
Generation Study Abroad Travel Grant
- Eligibility: U.S. Citizens, Undergraduate, Participating in a program for credits, demonstrates a financial need.
- 100 grants of $2,000 (per student) to high achieving, low-income students.
GoOver Seas Ireland Scholarship
- Eligibility: U.S. Citizens, Undergraduate or Graduate
- Discover programs across Ireland! Full semester tuition up to $15,000 USD, Additional stipend of $7,000, Flight stipend up to $800 USD.
INSIGHT Into Diversity Scholarship
- Eligibility: U.S. Citizens; be from an underrepresented group based on race, LGBTQ, physical disability, or veteran status; Full-time student; Study Abroad program of interest must be at least 4 weeks long
- 5 scholarships of $2000 will be awarded to students attending baccalaureate-granting institution, graduate school, or health professional school.
National Security Education Program (NSEP) Boren Awards
- Eligibility: U.S. Undergraduate students
- Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 to for students who study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests: Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin American, and the Middle East.
Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships
- Eligibility: Graduating seniors, undergraduates, graduate students
- Rotary Foundation provides one of the largest scholarships available for study abroad. Application only through Rotary club in one’s hometown or college town